Masterclass de solo castañuelas con Adrián Santana!
December 5, 2020
VidaFlamenca (1087 articles)

Masterclass de solo castañuelas con Adrián Santana!

Domingo 13 de Diciembre / Zoom Online

Masterclass de solo castañuelas con el malagueño Adrián Santana una experiencia maravillosa que Nose pueden perder os esperamos vía zoom. Más información por privado.

Adrián Santana

He began his training with his uncle the great dancer Pepito Vargas and continued his studies at the Conservatory of Dance in Málaga, his hometown. In 2010 he receives the 2nd prize at the XIX Choreography Contest of Spanish Dance and Flamenco in Madrid with his piece “Siempre me pasa lo mismo”, which will premiere later in the Pradillo venue in Madrid with great success. In the year 2018, he obtains the segundo premio del Festival de Cante de las Minas.

Together with ”Siempre me pasa lo mismo”, he has produced with his own company the shows ”Simbiosis’” and ”’Las cuatro esquinas del Perchel’‘. In colaboration wth Esencia Flamenca, he participates as director and choreographer in three productions that opened in Asia: ”La Partida”, ”Convivencia” and ”The Elements”.

He has been part of the best dance companies in the country highlighting Aída Gómez, Carlos Saura, Manuel Liñán-Daniel Doña, Margaret Jova Producciones, Carlos Chamorro, Concha Jareño and Rocío Molina, sharing the stage with artists as Maria Pagés, Lola Greco, Javier Latorre, Belén Maya, Pastora Galván, Nani Paños, Concha Jareño or Rafael Estévez in stages and festivals such as Bienal de Sevilla, Festival de Jerez, Flamenco Festival London/New York and the Acropolis in Greece and many others.

He has been directed in various productions by artists of great prestige as the master Granero and Antonio Canales and he has performed in tablaos as Casa Patas, Villa Rosa, Las Carboneras, Corral de la Morería, El Cordobés and El Arenal.

The dancer has participated in different shows held in the in the program of importants festivals as the Festival Flamenco of Albuquerque, Bienal of Málaga and Festival de Jerez, and just recently in the 10th Festival ‘Cumbre Flamenca’ presented by Vida Flamenca in Los Angeles, California at the Broad Stage in Santa Monica, California featuring the sensational dancer Agueda Saavedra, among others.

In addition to his experience as a dancer, he teaches courses in different cities and conservatories in Spain and abroad.




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