Spanish Cinema

Iciar Bollain, Pilar Palomero, Albert Serra y el debut de Pedro Martín-Calero competirán por la Concha de Oro en la 72ª edición del Festival de San Sebastián La Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas ha acogido hoy en

August 23 – September 1, 2024 Viana * Tudela * Pamplona/Iruña Hotel Tres Reyes Pamplona-Iruña ‘Capullo de Jerez’ Miguel Flores: 28/08 – 22:30h Alba Heredia Heredia: 29/08 – 22:30h Aurora Vargas : 30/08 – 23:30h Gema Agarrado Moneo : 31/08

Wed, February 28 — Wed, June 05, 2024 Washington, D.C. The 2024 edition of “Spanish Cinema Now +” features a selection of six new films that showcase the rich diversity of today’s Spanish cinema. This year’s edition of Spanish Cinema

Wed, November 15 — Sat, November 18 / MIAMI / Info+ Mon, November 06 — Thu, November 30 / Washington, D.C. / Info+ Los Angeles Dates are SOLD OUT! The Cultural Office of the Embassy of Spain in Washington, D.C.

Netflix + Turespaña

What is Spain like? How would you show it? This has been done by the five winners of the 1st Short Film Contest launched by Netflix and Turespaña. Would you like to watch them? Winners & Short Films Here!

THREE SCREENINGS: February 15; March 30; May 10 Former Residence of the Ambassadors of Spain 2801 16th St NW Washington, DC 20009 The 2023 edition of “Spanish Cinema Now +” features a selection of three new films that showcase the