Returning to Sevilla: Origin and Destination
We have the pleasure to invite you, in collaboration with Sevilla Convention Bureau, to an interesting proposal called “Returning to Sevilla, origin and destination”. Learn More!
Sevilla Congress and Convention Bureau, together with its local companies, wishes that, as these intrepid navigators did, you overcome all current difficulties and set sail for Seville.
Video Sevilla MICE Experience
PPT Returning to Sevilla
We hope to motivate and stimulate the reactivation of our industry and return to faceto-face meetings, as soon as the current situation allows this and wish the video content can be of inspiration during your own journey. Please find the content on our YouTube channel that is available for you in order to share it with your team and clients.
The proposal is inspired by the commemoration of the first circumnavigation of the globe of Magellan
and Elcano that started from Sevilla. This epic journey that took place 500 years ago is an example of overcoming adversity, which you may relate to nowadays fighting the difficulties due to the Covid-19 crisis.
Sevilla Convention Bureau in collaboration with Turespaña has the pleasure of sharing with you an ORIGINAL, FUN, AND USEFUL destination proposal, which we invite you to enjoy through this interesting virtual tour of the city of Seville.
In the meantime, please stay home, be safe, and protect you and those around you.
The Tourist office of Spain team
www.tourspain.es/ www.spain.info