Tag "Carlos Saura"

Viernes, 2 febrero 2024, 21:00 Auditorio y C. C. Víctor Villegas, Sala Narciso Yepes, PRIMERO DE MAYO, S/N Entradas aquí! Israel Fernández: One of the leading voices of a new generation of flamenco cantaors carrying forward respect for the traditions

One of Spain’s most prolific auteurs continued to work until the end – his last film, Walls Can Talk, was released last week. Veteran Spanish film-maker Carlos Saura, director of award-winning films such as Peppermint Frappé, ¡Ay Carmela! and Tango,

Sept. 24-29, Oslo, Norway Oslo International Flamenco Festival and Tilde Filmklubb present “El Rey de Todo el Mundo” (2021), the latest collaboration between Spanish director Carlos Saura (Raise Ravens, Carmen, Tango) and Italian cinematographer Vittorio Storaro (Apocalypse Now, The Last