Tag "Estela Zatania"
Article by journalist Estela Zatania, expoflamenco.com The memory of Carmen’s persona and her art remains highly relevant for the new generation of both male and female dancers. Dancing based on strength, rhythm and intensity. (Texto en español o inglés) Continued
“The Art of Flamenco” on its 60th anniversary
Article by Estela Zatania, expoflamenco.com Six decades ago, when the flamenco bibliography was still in its infancy, two seminal books on the topic were published by two very different individuals. … {Continues Here English y Español}
El 19/05/2021 Entrada libre hasta completar aforo. A las 18.30h Estreno del documental “BAILES DE REPERTORIO” de Olga Pericet, por la propia bailaora y la periodista Estela Zatania. Una visión de los cuerpos flamencos vistos y visitados desde el extranjero.
Lole y Manuel… in retrospect
Article by Estela Zatania, expoflamenco.com Lole y Manuel. Manuel y Lole. None of flamenco’s “primal scream”. More like innocent flower-children living the sunset of the hippie era. In the early 1970s my monthly visits to the record section of Seville’s Corte
Article by Estela Zatania, expoflamenco.com Lole y Manuel. Manuel y Lole. Nada del grito pelao del cante rancio. Más bien criaturas inocentes viviendo el ocaso de la época de los hippies. / Lole y Manuel. Manuel y Lole. None of
Extremadura, an alternative dimension
Article by Estela Zatania, expoflamenco.com With “Desde mis Entrañas”, Miguel Vargas has taken on the noble task of protecting and preserving the cultural resource that is flamenco from Extremadura, more fragile than ever in these difficult times. Some five decades
Carlota Santana, beyond flamenco
By Estela Zatania We conversed with Carlota about her life-long project which clearly continues to be a source of inspiration and fulfillment for this energetic seventy-something grand dame. While some investigators are fiercely defending a diversity of chauvinist or ethnocentric
Antonio Canales, the quirky genius
Article by Estela Zatania, expoflamenco.com Antonio Canales has recently been awarded Spain’s prestigious Medalla de Oro al Mérito de las Bellas Artes 2020. Canales turns 60 this year, he’s no longer the lithe young dancer I discovered all those years
Virtualmente flamenco
Ya no nos tienen lavando los alimentos con desinfectante, pero todo indica que tendremos mascarillas para rato, y el flamenco virtual es un concepto en proceso de desarrollo buscando su lugar en el replanteamiento de algunas costumbres que pueden haber