10th ‘Cumbre Flamenca’ Festival + Gracias Los Angeles!!!
June 24, 2019
VidaFlamenca (1086 articles)

10th ‘Cumbre Flamenca’ Festival + Gracias Los Angeles!!!

From all of us at Vida Flamenca…
Thank You/Gracias!

Dear patron,

I would like to take this opportunity to send my sincere gratitude for your attendance and support of our performance featuring special guest artists Adrián Santana, Águeda Saavedra with guitarist Francisco Vinuesa on June 7 at The Broad Stage, Santa Monica.

All those involved worked incredibly hard in preparation for these shows. I cannot overstate the value of a dedicated and enthusiastic audience for a performance of this kind. Your presence was an important part of making this show an overwhelming success.

On behalf of our guest artists direct from Málaga, Spain, Adrián Santana, Águeda Saavedra with guitarist Francisco Vinuesa; along with guest dancers Lakshmi Basile ‘La Chimi’, Daniela Zermeño Sanchez, Director, Zermeño Dance Academy with dancers Natalie Mowers, Sophia Cordero (2019 ‘Spirit of Fiesta’, Santa Barbara), Tara Mata, Brianna Fisher, Isabel Huerta, Mia Lomeli, Alexia Olivares, Sarah Naretto, Mariah Huerta, Sofia Martinez; plus, our marvelous musicians ‘El Yiyi’ Orozco, José Cortés Fernández, Diego Álvarez, Jose Manuel Alconchel and myself, Beth Nesbitt, director of Vida Flamenca, we thank you.

We look forward to seeing you again, and your continued support for our programs.


Estimado patrón:

Aprovecho esta oportunidad para mandarles mi más sincera gratitud por su asistencia y apoyo a nuestra presentación en el Broad Stage el 7 de junio con nuestros artistas Adrián Santana, Águeda Saavedra with guitarist Francisco Vinuesa y talleres en el norte de Hollywood y Ciudad de Orange y Santa Ana.

Todas las personas involucradas trabajaron con la máxima dedicación en la preparación de estos espectáculos. No puedo sobreestimar el valor de de una audiencia dedicada y entusiasta para un desempeño de esta naturaleza. Su presencia y entusiasmo fueron elementos importantes en el éxito abrumador alcanzado.

De parte de nuestros artistas directos de Málaga, España, Adrián Santana, Águeda Saavedra con guitarrista Francisco Vinuesa; y invitados bailaoras Lakshmi Basile ‘La Chimi’, Daniela Zermeño Sanchez, directora, Zermeño Dance Academy con alumnas Natalie Mowers, Sophia Cordero (2019 ‘Spirit de Fiesta’, Santa Barbara), Tara Mata, Brianna Fisher, Isabel Huerta, Mia Lomeli, Alexia Olivares, Sarah Naretto, Mariah Huerta, Sofia Martinez; así como nuestros maravillosos músicos Yiyi Orozco, José Cortés Fernández, Diego Álvarez, José Manuel Alconchel y yo, Beth Nesbitt, directora de Vida Flamenca, les damos las gracias.

 Esperamos verlo nuevamente y su continuo apoyo para nuestros programas.
Con saludos cordiales,
Beth Nesbitt, Director, Vida Flamenca
Images: Sari Makki Photography
Now in its’ 16th year, Vida Flamenca has continued to foster the next generation of Spanish and Flamenco dance artists. As a California-based 501 (c) 3 non-profit, we are dedicated to advancing and preserving Spanish music and dance traditions. Ongoing programs continue to increase awareness of Spanish culture through educational workshops and live performances.
An important component is the passion and energy of live performance. Our work expands, and challenges the human spirit of both artists and audiences. Our productions are designed to be accessible to all – with lecture/demonstrations, workshops and Masterclasses for both youth and adult audiences. We are committed to the education and enrichment for all learners, and embrace flamenco as the basis for enduring connections in our community and as a springboard for meaningful engagement.
No amount is too small. Please help us reach our goal with your donation. DONATE!
We are training the Next Generation of Flamenco students with artists direct from Spain for Masterclasses, Workshops and Private Instruction.
(Pictured: Zermeño Dance Academy Members; Director Daniela Zermeño Sanchez)



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