An Introduction to Spanish Cuisine
December 24, 2020
dunaway13 (985 articles)

An Introduction to Spanish Cuisine

Mountains run through Spain in several directions, acting as natural barriers to communication and making transportation difficult until the last half of the 20th century. This is just one of the reasons why cooking differs so much from region to region. Another is the fact that Spain was created by uniting many small kingdoms, each with their own traditions.

Many dishes are prepared today using the same cooking methods and ingredients as they were two or three hundred years ago. Like the Romans, the Arabs who conquered and lived in Spain for 800 years made fabulous contributions to Spanish cuisine, and their influence is seen in many recipes. Other dishes sprung up from European and American influences and were adapted to Spanish tastes. A few things remain true: Food in Spain is fresh, abundant, and full of flavor, and the Spanish love their food dearly.



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