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Mountains run through Spain in several directions, acting as natural barriers to communication and making transportation difficult until the last half of the 20th century. This is just one of the reasons why cooking differs so much from region to

Whether you are looking to see Spain from a cultural or historical perspective, or you are just looking to relax in a charming accommodation, immersed in beautiful surroundings, Spain’s Paradores are an excellent option to ensure an unforgettable trip. This

The splendour of the Nasrid era The Alhambra is a beautiful complex of buildings and gardens. Its leafy tree-lined walkways provide pleasant shade and coolness, enhanced by the abundance of water that flows in its streams. It was the largest

by Rafael Manjavacas 18 12 2020 En los estudios Amor de Dios de Madrid nos citamos con el bailaor José Maya, este fin de semana presenta en Madrid su espectáculo “Latente” dentro de la programación del Festival Suma Flamenca junto

Israel Galván As Told To Justine Bayod Espoz Nov 07, 2019 I always ask myself: If my parents hadn’t been flamenco dancers, would I have danced? I certainly don’t have a calling for dancing. As a child I was no

Viernes, 18 Diciembre 2020, a las 20:00 h Con José Jurado, Pedro Obregón, cante y Victor Muñoz, guitarra Nuevo espectáculo el próximo viernes! Reencuéntrate con el Flamenco en la Fundación Casa Patas. Tardes en el Café Morente. Viernes 18 de

Juan José “el Junco”, Susana Casas, El Mati, singer and Miguel Perez, guitar,  1:00pm (PST); 4:00pm (EST) / Register here  / Siempre Flamenco invites you to zoom with us, every Sunday @ 4pm (EST) at Café Cantante/Live and it’s *FREE*.

Las restricciones provocadas por la Covid-19 dificultan la celebración del certamen en febrero. La fecha final será entre el 6 y el 22 de mayo de 2021. La 25ª edición del Festival de Jerez, certamen dedicado al baile flamenco y

Inés Bacán was born in Lebrija in 1952, and grew up in the heart of gypsy flamenco, which in the 1950s and 60s was an everyday way of life with in the gypsy communities. This was centered on strong family

Gastronomy in Spain

The gastronomy of Spain is immensely rich and varied, just like the country itself. With a wide variety of top quality ingredients to choose from, old traditions and recipes combined to create new quality concepts and an incredible level in