“Veranos Flamencos” de Amor de Dios – ONLINE 2021 – Starts August 9!
July 15, 2021
VidaFlamenca (1023 articles)

“Veranos Flamencos” de Amor de Dios – ONLINE 2021 – Starts August 9!

“Veranos Flamencos de Amor de Dios -online- are directed by two amazing and international flamenco dancers from Spain, Maria Juncal & Alfonso Losa.

They believe that this form of art is like an extensive book, where all the Flamenco dancers of the world are the writers and Flamenco is the language.

This is a project made with great affection to be closer to all of you who love and live for flamenco as much as they do.

And their objective is to give you the best they can offer. That’s why beside their participation as permanent teachers, they decided to work with amazing Guest Teachers in their workshops, such as:

Rafael Estévez (1st week) * del 09 al 15

La Lupi (2nd week) * del 16 al 22

José Maya (3rd week) * del 23 al 29

Adela Campallo (4th week) * del 30 al 05 de septiembre

Sessions are pre-recorded for student convenience.

Starts on August 9th, and we hope you’ll be at the other side of the screen!”

Contact Veranos Flamencos directly thru these links for further information:
Whatsapp to have a more direct contact +34674126726.



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