Tag "Inmaculada Ortega"
Inmaculada Ortega Escuela de Flamenco Virtual
¡Vamos a bailar el 2021 con todas nuestras ganas! (fotografía de Inés Sagastume) www.inmaculadaortegaflamenco.com INMACULADA ORTEGA, bailaora Inmaculada was born in Jerez de la Frontera where she started her dancing career together with her brother, Domingo Ortega. Performances include; the
Inmaculada Ortega Clases Online
Bienvenida a la Escuela de Flamenco Virtual de Inmaculada Ortega. Welcome to Inmaculada Ortega’s Virtual Flamenco School. Encontrarás cursos de todos los niveles- Here you will find all level courses. Acceso a vídeos generals Cada semana acceso a un nuevo
INMACULADA ORTEGA Inmaculada was born in Jerez de la Frontera where she started her dancing career together with her brother, Domingo Ortega. Performances include; the Universal Exhibition of Taejon (Korea), International Dance Festival of Todi (Italy), and the Arriaga Theater
Inmaculada Ortega hails from Jerez de la Frontera. She began her dance studies at the age of seven with her brother Domingo Ortega, forming an early artistic partnership. Inma has become a much sought after dancer, and has performed as