El pueblo jitano le lloramos y estamos desolados — Juana Amaya
October 29, 2020
VidaFlamenca (1046 articles)

El pueblo jitano le lloramos y estamos desolados — Juana Amaya

Parrita, master of flamenco rumba and gypsy ballads, dies at 63

Hoy España y todos los flamencos y el pueblo gitano estamos de luto por la gran pérdida de nuestro hermano Parrita. Que ha fallecido hoy lunes 26 de Octubre 2020 en Hospital de Terrassa de Cataluña.

The unmistakable voice of Vicente Castro, better known as Parrita, a major artist without whom it is impossible to conceive of the transition from flamenco to pop music faded.

Vicente de Castro Jiménez ‘Parrita’
Spanish flamenco singer and composer Vicente de Castro Jiménez aka “Parrita” was born in the Nazaret neighborhood (Valencia, Spain) in 1960. He passed away In Terrassa (Catalonia, Spain) on October 26, 2020. Paco de Lucía adored him and said that he tuned like an angel.

{The Gitano people cry and we are devastated – Juana Amaya}




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