Tag "Antonio «El Pipa»"
29º Festival de Jerez * 2025 Program of Courses
Registration will open next Monday, September 16 The XXIX Festival de Jerez, which will be held between February 21 and March 8, 2025, presents its program of courses for its next edition, whose registration period will open next Monday, September
“Flamenco: the Land Is Still Fertile (Flamenco: la tierra está viva)”: in 2010, UNESCO declared that flamenco was part of the universal cultural heritage of mankind. Our documentary looks at that passionate art form, and shows how traditional flamenco is
Este viernes, 22 de noviembre, tienes una cita en La Soleá. Vente y enamórate de toda la pasión del baile de Karime Amaya. More information & Tickets/Entradas: +34 858 892 162 / lasolea@lasolea.es https://www.lasolea.es/ “Soleares”! One of the variete’, among