ALMA GITANA, Taller de fotografía documental con Jordi Oliver
October 29, 2023
VidaFlamenca (1084 articles)

ALMA GITANA, Taller de fotografía documental con Jordi Oliver

24 y 25 de mayo de 2024
Mucho más que un taller es toda una experiencia!

EN SAINTES MARIES DE LA MER: Gitanos de todos los rincones del mundo se reúnen aquí los días 24 y 25 de mayo para venerar a su patrona, Santa Sara la Nera, cuya estatua y reliquias se conservan en la cripta de la iglesia.

Tendremos la oportunidad de escuchar y hablar con Esmeralda Romanez la persona que me introdujo en el mundo gitano!!

Info taller por pdf al 675708068
Máximo 10 personas!!
ya tenemos 4 persones inscritas!!

Foto by Jordi Oliver Photographer


May 24 and 25, 2024
Much more than a workshop, it is an experience!

IN SAINTES MARIES DE LA MER: Gypsies from all corners of the world gather here on May 24 and 25 to venerate their patron saint, Saint Sara la Nera, whose statue and relics are preserved in the crypt of the church.

We will have the opportunity to listen and talk with Esmeralda Romanez, the person who introduced me to the gypsy world!!

Workshop info by PDF at 675708068
Maximum 10 people!!
We already have 4 people registered!!

Photo by Jordi Oliver Photographer.


The festival goes back to the Middle Ages and their ceremonies are still the same; the crowd, candles in hand, sing and praise the Saint Marys. 

May 24 

A procession takes Sara, the Patron saint of the Gypsies to the sea. Just before this, inside the Church, her relics have been slowly brought down from the “High Chapel” by means of a winch, in the midst of the songs and praises. The statue of Sara, carried by the Gypsies to the sea, symbolizes the waiting for and welcome of the Saints Mary Jacobe and Mary Salome.

This day’s procession, in honour of Sara and the Gypsies, is a recent institution. In 1935, the Marquis de Baroncelli and a few Camargue Gardians, anxious to give the Gypsies in the Pilgrimage a place that they didn’t have (at this time, there were just a few hundred of them, lost in the bigger crowd of pilgrims from Provence and the Languedoc), succeeded in organizing with the Gypsies of the region this march to the sea in memory of the arrival of “their Saint”.

May 25 

Following the morning’s solemn mass, the “craft”, with the statues of the Two Marys aboard, is borne to the sea, accompanied by the crowd of gypsy and non-gypsy pilgrims, carried by the ranchers on horseback and the Arlésienne girls in costume. The bearers go into the sea to symbolize the arrival of the Saints Mary Jacobe and Mary Salome and of the Faith. The Bishop, on board one of the traditional fishers’ boats, blesses the sea, the region, the pilgrims and the Gypsies. The Procession then returns to the Church amidst the joy and acclamation, accompanied by musical instruments and the set of bells. In the afternoon at the Church, with prayers and a popular fervor, the ceremony of bringing the reliquaries back up to the “High Chapel” takes place.

During these two days, services and vigils follow one another in the Church.




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