Tag "El Pele"

November 12 to 15, 2024 * 21:00 h Teatro Guerra, Auditorio Margarita Lozano, C/ SANTA QUITERIA S/N, Lorca. GRAN GALA FLAMENCA The 38th edition of the festival closes with he performance from Capullo de Jerez and El Pele. The ‘Cuidad

July 5 – 13, 2024 Hacienda Ntra. Sra. del Carmen (La Fuenlonguilla), Sevilla The 55th edition of the Cante Jondo Meeting of La Puebla de Cazalla. This year it will be from July 5 to 13, and on its last

11/07 – 29/08 BALUARTE DE LA CANDELARIA. Alameda Hermanas Carvia Bernal, 6, 11003 Cádiz https://www.flamencad.com/ The third edition of ‘Flamencad‘ returns to the summer of Cádiz with artists from yesteryear and contemporary artists.  //  La tercera edición de ‘Flamencad’ regresa

The ninth edition of the Flamenco Festival “Ciudad de Huelva,” will be held from 30 May to 9 June organized by the City of Huelva and the Cajasol Foundation, as a great ally that once again demonstrates its commitment to

Ya están a la venta las entradas de la 44ª edición del Festival Internacional de Cante Flamenco de Lo Ferro que se celebrará del 22 al 28 de julio y que contará con las mejores voces del panorama flamenco internacional.

Sadly we announce the passing of the artist Carmelilla Montoya. Descansa en paz nuestro pésame a su familia… «My time is up and I’m quitting the stages». Carmelilla Montoya is saying farewell to her professional career for health reasons. But

29 de junio al 3 de julio, 2021  Les artistes: Rafaela Carrasco, Manuela Carrasco Bailaora, Esperanza Fernández, La Tana Oficial, Pedro ElGranaino, Rocío Molina, El Pele, Rafael Riqueni, Anabel Valencia Cantaora, Antonio Molina “El Choro” Bailaor, Farruquito. https://arteflamenco.landes.fr/?fbclid=IwAR3-bnX7hqKZ-LJdYKuhjI7gEEakmvcMID3X617Q7rmmW87H5ilHJYOR6Qg

Bailaora de pasos cortos y elegantes, de belleza gitana y perfil flamenco. Tuvo siempre el don de la gracia y el compás. Con tres años ya era capaz de pintar caracolas con las manos. Una artista de tradición, de saga

Vida Flamenca Newsletter events updated for the week of December 3. Your support is needed. As a flamenco follower, you are an important part of our growing community. Participate, Share & Experience! SUBSCRIBE TO THE LATEST NEWS! (main page /

Vida Flamenca Newsletter updated for the week of NOVEMBER 26. Shows, Festivals, Workshops and more… Your support is needed! As a flamenco follower, you are an important part of our growing community. Participate, Share & Experience! SHARE WITH A FRIEND