Tag "José de la Tomasa"

16/11/2024, 11:00 Auditorium La Merced – Manolo Sanlúcar – Sanlúcar de Barremeda Cuesta de Bethlehem, s/n 11540 – Sanlúcar de Barrameda The International Awards of the Flamenco Manolo Sanlúcar 2024. In its IX edition the winners are: José de la

Friday, July 5 starting at 10 p.m., in the Guillena Bullring, Guillena José de la Tomasa will be accompanied by Joselito de Pura. Angelita Montoya will be accompanied by Paco Iglesias on guitar. Juanfra Carrasco with the playing of El

1 de octubre a partir de las 20.30 horas en los jardines del Teatro Auditorio Riberas del Guadaíra Alcalá de Guadaíra celebra el XV Festival Flamenco Manolito María en los jardines del Auditorio Riberas del Guadaíra. Este año rendirá homenaje

Sadly we announce the passing of the artist Carmelilla Montoya. Descansa en paz nuestro pésame a su familia… «My time is up and I’m quitting the stages». Carmelilla Montoya is saying farewell to her professional career for health reasons. But

Bailaora de pasos cortos y elegantes, de belleza gitana y perfil flamenco. Tuvo siempre el don de la gracia y el compás. Con tres años ya era capaz de pintar caracolas con las manos. Una artista de tradición, de saga

VIDA FLAMENCA is a California-based 501(c) 3 non-profit dedicated to advancing and preserving Spanish dance and music traditions. One of the most important components is the VIDA FLAMENCA NEWSLETTER. Through this weekly Newsletter, our goal is to increase awareness of