SPAIN arts & culture, Weekly sessions in English
The Prado Museum is currently one of the best recognized art galleries worldwide, with over three and a half million visitors a year.
Considered by many experts to be the most important museum in terms of European painting, the Prado National Museum brings together over 8,000 paintings and around 1,000 sculptures by the most representative artists of the Spanish, Flemish and Italian painting schools. From this distinguished collection, emblematic paintings, such as Las Meninas by Velázquez or Las Majas by Goya stand out, reflecting the tastes of the different Spanish dynasties over the years, as many of the works were commissioned.

“Vista de la fachada sur del Museo del Prado desde el interior del Jardín Botánico”, José María Avrial y Flores, 1835.
There are also numerous works by artists such as El Greco, Bosch, Rubens, Tiziano, Murillo, Zurbarán, Fortuny, Sorolla or Van Dyck. Visitors can find references to French, German, British and Dutch painting, although their presence is more limited. Claudio de Lorena, Nicolas Poussin, Durero or Rembrandt are some examples.
Apart from the works that are permanently on display, the Prado Museum organizes temporary exhibitions throughout the year which embrace artists from different schools, eras and themes. Undoubtedly, this is another reason to visit the museum if you are in the capital.

“Desembocadura del Bidasoa”, Martín Rico, 1872
If you can’t get to Madrid, the nonprofit, American Friends of the Museo Nacional del Prado offer weekly descriptive docent tours online:
Enjoy, and Happy Holidays to all!