Tag "Arcángel"

Sadly we announce the passing of the artist Carmelilla Montoya. Descansa en paz nuestro pésame a su familia… «My time is up and I’m quitting the stages». Carmelilla Montoya is saying farewell to her professional career for health reasons. But

A much appreciated afternoon of Flamenco at The Wallis Annenberg’s Wells Family Courtyard featuring Grammy© Award-winning Cantaor ARCANGEL and his company featuring dancers from the Official Flamenco Ballet de Andalusia Macarena Lopez and Alberto Selles. This show also featured the

Bailaora de pasos cortos y elegantes, de belleza gitana y perfil flamenco. Tuvo siempre el don de la gracia y el compás. Con tres años ya era capaz de pintar caracolas con las manos. Una artista de tradición, de saga

10th Festival ‘CUMBRE FLAMENCA’ Featuring Award-winning dancers Adrián Santana, Águeda Saavedra, and guitarist Francisco Vinuesa Friday, June 7 at 8:00pm The Broad Stage, 1310 11th St, Santa Monica, CA 90401 “A Visual Feast!’ ‘…Full of Heart and Soul!” Coming to

Los Angeles International Flamenco Festival presents Back-to-back flamenco superstars coming to L.A., not to be missed! www.kalakoa.tix.com 800-595-4849 “Carmen Linares’ flamenco intensity, its alchemy of passion … rose to furious, desperate timeless invocations of lost love” – The New York